31 January 2012
30 January 2012
The Conservative Response To The State of the Union Address
Its not a joke video but a serious response to the state of the country.
Worth the time. It's hard to disagree with what this guy says regardless of party.
CNN Republican Presidential Debate Full Analysis / Thursday (1-26-2012) - FINAL FOUR - // I'll watch so you don’t have to
Okay People I opted for a dinner out with my wife last night.
I ordered a pasta with a nice Vodka cream sauce and my wife enjoyed pasta with a light garlic cream sauce.
We went home, watched Jersey Shore and went to bed.
However, fear not I’ll be back for the next debate sometime in February.
Yeah that just happened….
26 January 2012
The State of the Union analysis
I thought about ranting about the state of the union last night but this video sums up the redundancy. The "HOPE HUG" intent speech was in full force.
See for your self
24 January 2012
Republican Presidential Debate Full Analysis / Monday (1-23-2012) NBC NEWS - FINAL FOUR - // I'll watch so you don’t have to
NBC NEWS - FINAL FOUR - Republican Presidential Debate
Brian Williams had a goal last night. His goal was to provoke the candidates to fight among themselves rather than focus the debate on Obama.
Williams succeeded. I’ve watch all of the debates so far and I have to say the FOX News debates are by far the best. FOX has the best content in regards to the candidates policies and visions for the country. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN seem only concerned with infighting and trying to label the Republicans and anti everything. Williams devoted a great amount of time asking a candidate what he thought about the other candidate. It was left to Mitt to basically stop the debate and refocus it back to Obama. One good thing that happened last night is that NBC did not allow cheering after answers. Good move and it changed the debate dynamics for the positive in my opinion.
But I digress…
Newt Gingrich
Take away the applause and you take away some of Newt’s power. Without the audience approval of everything Newt said he was just a guy on the stage. Newt was hit hard for his time with Freddy Mac. The exchange between Mitt and Newt on this topic was clearly frustrating Newt to the point that he had to pause collect his thoughts before he could reply. In my opinion Newt is going to have a harder time spinning his “role” at Freddy Mac then Mitt is with his tax issue. Last night proved that Newt has weaknesses that he needs to address if he wants to stand toe to toe with Mitt.
Ron Paul
Paul was marginalized last night. The Moderator went out of his way to only ask Paul questions regarding the Fed or monetary issues. When the topic was foreign policy Williams went down the line for comments regarding Iran except Paul. In my opinion the media wants to keep Paul in the race. Paul’s only comment about Iran was that America is provoking Iran and it would be our fault if Iran became aggressive. Paul has a clear blame America first policy that rivals Obama and NBC did not want the public to see this last night.
Mitt Romney
If Mitt debated like last night for all the prior debates he would be pulling way more than the 20+%. Mitt proved that he could more than hold his own in a debate against Obama. Mitt hammered Newt last night, he never lost his cool and countered Newt at every turn. Mitt finally showed that he knows what he’s talking about and not just reciting 30 second talking points. If Mitt does a better job at explaining capitalism and that he earned his money though the freedoms and liberty granted by the Constitution. Mitt has a very strong chance at sealing the nomination.
Rick Santorum
Rick is positioning himself as the other conservative on the stage. The anti-anti-anti candidate. He’s not Newt because he was against cap & trade. He’s not Mitt because he was against the individual mandate. And he’s Paul because he’s not crazy. However, I think the public does not want a default candidate. Rick is pulling more than Paul at this point but it may just come down to money. But I would have absolutely no problem with a Security of State Rick Santorum
Final thought
Without Mitt redirecting the focus back to Obama from time to time one could almost forget who the sitting President is. The media has a clear agenda of supporting Obama. And the media is doing everything possible to cover for him. It’s going to up to the candidates to keep the spotlight on Obama.
More next time
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
21 January 2012
A question regarding the past
In light of the media drudging up any person who can attack any republican candidate no matter how long ago it was.
Cain had someone from 20 years ago accusing him of wrong doing.
Newt just had his ex-wife from over a decade ago bringing up old news.
In light of fairness I would like to see an interview with Obama’s drug dealers.
We know that he used both Cocaine and marijuana so I would like to see a 2 hr interview with the guy who sold Obama his drugs.
I’m sure it would be enlightening don’t you agree??
Thursday's (1-19-2012) CNN NEWS - FINAL FOUR - Republican Presidential Debate // Analysis // I'll watch so you don’t have to
CNN NEWS - FINAL FOUR - Republican Presidential Debate
As debates go this was to that bad. However, with the experience of watching many, many, many, of these debates I’m starting to notice that the NBC/ABC/CNN debates focused mainly on getting the candidates to fight amongst themselves rather than focusing on Obama’s record or the state of the economy. Fortunately it’s the candidates who manage to bring to topic back to the real issues. CNN used a single moderator that really didn’t ask anything of substance. He focused mostly trying to get the candidates to comment on each other’s attack adds instead of questions on issues.
The only real questions came from the audience and that was limited to 3 total.
And away we go…
Newt Gingrich
Not a good week to be Newt. However, Newt blasted with both barrels the CNN moderator on the allegations from Newt ex wife being the first question in a Presidential debate. Other candidates are jumping on Newt calling him scattered brained, too many ideas at one time and lack of focus. I’ll tell you I’ve been watching these from the beginning and frankly I don’t see this. Newt is on target, focused, and is the best at articulating ideas than any other candidate on the stage. Newt’s problem is that the media portrays him as either happy Newt which they try to make him seem like a braggart or angry Newt who is unpredictable and extreme. If Newt sticks to being a proponent and champion of conservative ideas he may still have a chance.
Ron Paul
Okay I’m going to say something I thought I’d never say. Ron Paul had a great answer that I agreed with last night. The moderator asked Paul his thoughts about Apple who employs 500K people overseas (Apple employs the contract manufacture Foxconn to do their builds they are not Apple employees but I digress) If he thought they should move these production jobs to America. Paul correctly stated that if you do that your $100 phone will then cost you a $1000. So by keeping the production overseas Apple is save the consumer $900 right off the bat. Great answer. But I still very much dislike Ron Paul. More on him in my final thought
Mitt Romney
Mitt’s poor debate performance of earlier this week was fully erased last night. Mitt was the guy who always managed to bring it back to Obama failures. Mitt’s tax returns were still a topic, but that will quickly go away once he releases it. At that point the Democrats will pounce and even the republicans will try to hit Mitt as being out of touch with the common man because of his wealth. However, Mitt also correctly defended this success and noted it was funny that at a Republican debate a person has to defend his own success. Mitts biggest problem going forward in the primary and if he becomes the nominee is simultaneously defending Romney Care as great for the state of Massachusetts and trying to fight Obama Care as bad for the nation. Santorum caught Mitt in this trap last night and Mitt struggled to dig himself out. If Obama focuses solely on Romney Care as being the model of Obama Care Mitt may not stand a chance.
Rick Santorum
Rick had his best debate last night. He nailed Mitt on both taxes and Romney Care. Santorum is positioning himself as the middle class guy who is fighting for all America. He played to the SC crowd and touted his voting record and his prolife stance. Paul hit back Santorum on being for big Government spending. Paul hit Santorum on voting against right to work legislation when he was a Senator but now he supports it on the nation level. Santorum really does not have much of a retort about this other then saying it was a mistake. Santorum could hold his own against Obama If and that’s a big if he get the chance to run as the nominee.
Final thought
After watching a lot of these debates I have noticed one thing. Mitt Romney never attack’s Ron Paul and Ron Paul never attack’s Mitt Romney.
I wonder why this is? Given that these debates are going to be twice a week for the next few weeks. I’m going to base my analysis on which one has the better content. Sorry but it’s getting to be too much even for me. Next week I’m going to focus on the State of the Union. If something BIG happens I’ll update you at that time.
More next time
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
19 January 2012
Obama belives that extending unemployment insurance is actually better then CREATING JOBS by killing the keystone pipeline!!!!
I'm not making this up.
Obama is quoted after killing the Keystone pipeline deal saying that, "However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline," he said, "they're going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance."
Yes Obama believes that extending unemployment insurance is actually better then CREATING REAL JOBS!!!!
Here's a brilliant f~cking idea why not DO BOTH!!!!
Here's another brilliant idea don't vote for Obama!!
Yes according to Obama
NOT drilling for oil will lower gas prices
Raising taxes and massive spending help the economy (See Europe for support)
And class warfare brings the nation together
Sorry for the language but this is the mark of a country in decline. Oh I'm sorry this is yet another glowing example of Obama's transformed America.
America Prevails
Loyal Opposition
17 January 2012
Monday's (1-16-2012) FOX NEWS Republican Presidential Debate // Analysis // I'll watch so you don’t have to
FOX NEWS Republican Presidential Debate
Good news bad news…Good news is that the field is starting to narrow Huntsman, Bachmann, & Cain are out. Bad News is that the remaining candidates now have more time to answer the questions.
This additional time is a double edged sword for some of the candidates. Perry, Newt & Santorum all did better with the additional time. Mitt looked uncomfortable with having more time and Paul loves hearing himself speak so the more time the better in his mind. The FOX moderators were on point however, the one criticism I did have was that FOX decided to do away with the buzzer when the candidates time expired…big mistake allowing the candidates to moderate themselves when it came to time keeping. That aside this debate was light years ahead of the ABC/NBC debates in the form of content and substance.
So here we go…
Newt Gingrich
If all Presidents had to do was debate all the time then Newt is your man. Newt has the ability to give short answers of a Yes or a No, and follow that up with detail and context to make any answer he gives sound logical and reasonable. Newt drove home his thoughts regarding having children work at a young age as a way to empower themselves to succeed in the future. Conservatives love this as a statement of the power of the individual over his or her own fate. I feel most Americans agree and understand this. Liberals hate this stating that it harkens back to the days right out of a Dickens novel.
Newt’s best quotes of the night were “Only the elites despise earning money & I know among the politically correct you are not supposed to use facts that are uncomfortable.” If Newt keeps his temper in check he may still have a chance. However, these platitudes aside, Newt’s most likely out of time to close the gap between him and Romney.
Ron Paul
The best thing about the extended time for answers in last night’s debate was that Paul just looks like the rambling buffoon that he really is. He kept showing his true feeling in regards to his foreign policy. Paul believes that the fact that America has a presences across the globe is what is in his words are, “getting us into trouble & we are digging ourselves deeper into trouble” Paul believes that if we have absolutely NO presences anywhere outside America that America would never be attacked. And since we do have a presence around the world that it’s our own fault that people hate us. Paul was booed last night because of these moronic statements. The more he talks like this the better, the more people see Paul for who he really is the better.
Rick Perry
Perry once again had a good debate. Perry stuck to policy, drawing applause in his call for a part time congress and a balanced budget amendment. I will make note of Perry asking Mitt to submit his tax return to the public. Mitt was able to deflect this pretty easily but it did return to haunt him later. Perry has the smallest chance of gaining any momentum at this point, and he may be just practicing for the 2016 elections or the next time there is a Republican primary. His idea for a part time congress should be part of the national conversation. However,without a strong showing in SC Perry will most likely drop soon. If not soon it will be after Florida.
Mitt Romney
In my opinion this was Mitt’s worst debate yet. I’m not sure if it was the extended time for responses or he was just caught off guard by some of the questions. Mitt did something that he has not done with any of the previous debates. Mitt stumbled. There was a time during one Mitt’s replies that he had a look on his face like “oh crap I still have a full minute to answer and I don’t know what else to say”
Mitt was asked directly when will he release his tax return? Mitt stammered, stalled and did not give a clear answer on when he will do this. Perry was smiling because he has this one on Mitt, because Perry has been releasing his tax returns for the last 10 years. I really think Mitt is afraid to release this because he knows this will be used against him by all sides. Mitt has every right to be concerned because the America Obama is trying to create Mitt’s own success will be used against him. And shame on America for holding success against a person, Republicans and Democrats alike are guilty of this.
But it will be Obama the middle class warrior who will try to drive this home to win in 2012. People may not care about Bain Capital but they will care about how much tax he is paying or not paying. Damage control on Mitt’s tax returns alone may cost him more then he bargains for. Keep in mind that the media, Obama and the establishment want Mitt to win the nomination and that makes me very uncomfortable as a conservative.
Rick Santorum
Solid and consistent last night. Ron Paul did call out Santorum on his voting record and Santorum did have an interesting answer. He said that sometimes you have to vote one way to stop something else from happening. I understand that state issues and the votes needed to support state issues sometimes do not transfer when questioned at a national level. However, I have to question how Santorum would apply this thinking to when it comes to fighting say Harry Reid on the debt ceiling? Will he agree to something that goes against his conservative core just to get something passed?
If Santorum wants to progress in this primary he will need to confront his own voting record to quell any doubts of his conservative credentials.
Final thought
Certain states moved up their primaries to try to finish this off quick and close the door as soon as possible to lock in a nominee. Think to yourself who has benefited most by this? Who is pulling barely over 20% yet the media is calling this person the obvious republican nominee and the most electable? Keep in mind McCain was called the most electable republican back in 2008 and look where that got us.
More next time
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
11 January 2012
09 January 2012
Saturday & Sunday (1-7/8-2012) ABC NEWS Republican Presidential Debate // Analysis // I'll watch so you don’t have to
ABC & NBC NEWS Republican Presidential Debate…Hey let’s play 2 today!!
I watched both the ABC & NBC debates and it almost killed me. I wasn’t going to analysis the NBC debate but after watching it, I’m glad it did. If for no other reason than to prove the blatant media bias.
On the one hand it’s good practice for the candidates because it was basically them debating against the Obama administration. On the other hand it showed that without a shadow of a doubt the main stream media is completely in the back pocket of Obama. The moderators for ABC were completely incompetent with their questions, to the point that several of the candidates had to stop and ask “what are you trying to ask me?” It was that bad. Diane Saywer really does not know if she is on foot or horseback, and George Stephanopoulos is a Obama hack that is second only to David Gregory in their love for all things liberal. Both of these debates were so bad that I really am struggling to write anything productive. The problem with both of these debates was that the moderators were not even trying to generate any substantive answers. The NBC’s David Gregory spent the first 20 minutes of the debate trying to goat the other candidates to bash Mitt. In addition, the ABC questions were either incoherent or just incorrect as when Stephanopoulos said that Mitt gave 2 answers to the same question in an effort to try to pin him as a flip flopper which in that case Mitt was clearly not.
I’ll keep this short because of the above reasons…
Newt Gingrich
Newt was fine for both debates. He’d tried to hit Mitt but he had little success. Newt as usual is the only candidate to call out the moderators for the hypocrisy of the questioning. The NBS questions were pushing hard on what kind of pain will you inflict on the public with your cuts. Newt retorted with why don’t you ask about cutting the fraud and over spending first then talk about the pain.
Newt also correctly pointed out to all that everybody in the opposing party wants that President to be a one termer. It’s a no brainer that you want the other guy to voted out as soon as possible. The media and the democrats hate the fact that republicans only want Obama to have one term and have openly said that. It’s the media and the Democrats that don’t get it and Newt is only happy to point this out. NBC kept asking about what pain will you be inflicting on the public. In other words the Republicans will only bring pain to the public, it’s really sad when you think about it.
Jon Huntsman Jr.
My only issue with Huntsman is trying to find a comparison of him from pop culture. This time after watching Huntsman all I can think about was him with a lab coat on portraying every scientist from every Sifi movie of the late 60’s early 70’s. Look at him again and you’ll see what I mean.
Ron Paul
I don’t know how you can look at Paul and see a serious candidate? Paul is very proud saying he is against everything to do with spending except earmarks for his district just as Santorum is great calling out Paul for proposing something like 700 bills with only getting 2 or 3 passing. You may like Paul but if you really think about it Paul will be more divisive than Obama in actually getting anything passed.
No one will want to work with Paul. My problem with Paul is that he will never rule out a 3rd party run if he does not win the nomination. This will ensure a Obama victory which I think Paul will equate to a Ron Paul I told you so for not nominating me in the first place.
Rick Perry
Perry received the fewest questions of both debates. However, Perry had a great retort to Gregory’s question regarding what pain will you inflict on the public by cutting programs. Perry was happy to go back to his brain fart moment by correctly naming all 3 things he would cut, The Dept Edu, Energy, & Commerce. Perry is trying to stick to his policy plans and truly being a Washington outsider compared to the other candidates. It may be too little too late for Perry but he will continue to give it his best shot.
Mitt Romney
Mitt is trying to position himself as the Cincinnatus of the field (Google it). Mitt’s not a career politician, he’s just a man who is stepping into the Presidency for 2 terms only to step down when his time is over. Just ask him and he’ll tell you. He does have this whole debate thing down. He is very good at bringing all the arguments back to the failure of Obama. He spoke well of the importance of this election in the history of the country and the choice of which direction this country is headed. Do we want to be a country of freedom and liberty? Or do we want a European style Socialist version of the country that Obama is trying to transform America into? There was no winner of these debates because they sucked so much but Mitt did stay above the rest.
Rick Santorum
Okay I totally counted Santorum out and I was wrong to do so. His leg work in Iowa won him a second place finish to Mitt. Some of our confederates have even gone as far as endorse him as the only true conservative in the field. While others have called him another big government loving Bush clone. Santorum is a strong debater with solid answers for both his foreign and domestic policies. I’m not sure if I like his tax plan that favors manufacturing companies over other corporations but any tax cut is a good tax cut. NBC tried unsuccessfully to hammer Santorum regarding Gay rights to the point that a question came up asking what would he do if his son told him he was gay? A question that no one would ever ask Obama, ever. Santorum simply replied that I would love him just as much as the second before he told me. Completely taking away any stupid follow ups from the NBC boneheads. Time will tell if the momentum Santorum gathered from Iowa will carry into super Tuesday. But it’s nice that Santorum will receive a second look from the voters.
More next time
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
06 January 2012
Pipeline Map of America
Before Obama kills the Keystone pipeline deal can someone remind him that we already have pipelines criss-crossing the country.
But why would Obama want jobs anyway?
05 January 2012
Checks and Balances we don't need no stinking checks and balances!
First some foundation work regarding the Constitution. Now stick with me because this is needed to understand what is happening in this administration. At the constitutional convention the framers argued and argued about how to best set up this new government. And in these arguments the framers always came back to these key points. 1) Decentralize power 2)Keep the power as close to the people as possible. 3) If there is a power bestowed to a branch of Government make sure there is a check on that power. 4) Checks and balances are in place to slow things down. There are others but I want to focus on these for now.
Like it or not Presidents have operated with these boundaries and respected the firewalls put in place by the framers….until now. Obama started to break down these firewalls very subtlety or not so subtlety for those who were paying attention during a State of the Union speech a few years ago. Obama called out the Supreme Court for upholding citizen united case. Citizen untied supports free speech in the form of monetary donations to support a political cause or a candidates but not directly to a candidate for Corporation’s and Union’s, yes Unions I bet you didn’t know that citizen united also upholds this freedom to unions. But a sitting President openly bashing the Supreme Court for a ruling he does not like weakens the firewalls of separation of powers. The press sat on their hands and questioned nothing.
Next the President commands his justice Dept NOT support the Defense of Marriage Act because Obama feels that it’s not Constitutional. Even though the Supreme Court says is Constitutional and the law of the land. Obama says who cares I just agree with it so I won’t support it. The Firewall weakens, and the press asks Obama how he’s holding up under all this pressure of the just say no Republicans.
Now Obama the middle class warrior makes a “recess appointment” to head a new bloated governmental agency for consumer protection on top of all the other bloated governmental agency’s for consumer protection. Oh and by the way this appointment just happens to be from Ohio a key swing state that Obama hopes to win. The problem is Congress is NOT in recess. How do we know Obama cannot make this recess appointment? Well because Obama’s own justice dept confirmed with the Supreme Court that Obama will NOT make ANY recess appointment’s unless Congress is on recess for longer than 3 days. Now back to that pesky Constitution Obama doesn’t like. Article 1 section 5 states neither house can adjourn for more than 3 days without consent of the other house. In other words the Senate must approve if the House wants to adjourn and vice versa. And for the record the House has NOT approved to adjourn the Senate. Moreover, according to LAW the senate still has to approve this appointment. There goes the troublesome checks and balances Obama doesn’t want to concern himself with.
This move is a naked power grab of a Dictator, that’s right I said dictator. Obama who claims that he cannot wait for Congress to act, overrules his own justice dept, the firewalls put in place by the framers, and over a 100 years of history. All in the name of looking out for the little guy. Have other presidents made recess appointments..yes however, they always acted with the boundaries of the Constitution. Obama is acting OUTSIDE of the Constitution which one would think would be an impeachable offence.
These are the acts of a President who is desperate to be re-elected and cannot run on his record. Every time you hear Obama say he cannot wait any longer and he will act without Congress. Remember these checks and balances are in place FOR A REASON, they are meant to slow things down and to keep powers in check and decentralized. Presidents cannot go it alone. Presidents who go it alone are heading towards tyranny. Obama went from we need this bill passed right now to who needs a bill passed I’ll just do whatever the hell I want? I’ll just act and wait for the courts to catch up with me. These are the actions of a person who hates the Constitution and the restrictions put in place by the framers. What other reason could it be? The point is if the firewalls are destroyed and the Constitution is not followed then it’s over, America will exist in name only. Maybe this is but another glowing example Of Obama’s transformed America.
And the press? Well at least we know how the press will react.
God help us.
America Prevails
Information Minister
Loyal Opposition
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