25 June 2011

1980 Vs. 2012

The problem today is if a republican candidate said these very same things he would be labeled a racist hate monger extremist

But please take the time to watch these videos it’s well worth the time.

Obama loosens border just in time for the 2012 election

As the article point out that with Obama dropping in the pole numbers, it's time to grant amnesty to beef up the Democratic party.


Its a pattern with Obama.

Cap & Trade does not pass the Senate Obama has the EPA backdoor it

The Dream Act does not pass Obama has ICE backdoor it

Obama invokes the War Power Act to start a War in Libya then claims it's not a War

I don't think it will be hard NOT to vote for Obama in 2012.

A Thought on Obama's War in Libya

In regards to Obama’s War in Libya let me say this.  Obama will do everything in his power NOT to have a War tagged to his administration.  That’s it.  It’s as simple as that.  How can Obama go into the 2012 elections being the very same thing that he ran against to get him elected?

So War Powers Act be dammed

The Constitution be dammed

The Anti-War left be dammed

All the fools who voted for him to bring real change to the White House be dammed

The Soldiers who are fighting this non-War be dammed

The America people be dammed

None of the above is of any importance to Obama as long as he can maintain his image.

09 June 2011

The Loyal Opposition's responce

But lets get to the nub of this shall we.  Granted Obama was handed a mess and he has made it his mission to make matters worse.  Obama used the last 2 years as a experiment into European Socialism and it has failed miserably.  Your house is worth less then it did 10 years ago.  Unemployment is 9.1%, there was only 58K jobs created last month and as you so eloquently pointed out our dollar is worth less and less thanks to Obama's policy of America Last.  With all this information just released what does Obama do?  Just this morning he announces that he's going to double down on Tax increases.  The Dems have offered NO budget for close to 800 days or fiscal plan outside of the Republicans want you dead.

Look at it this way.  Republicans have control of Congress and will most likely either shrink the Dem majority in the Senate or they will take control all together.  So where does that leave Obama?  Oh I know blame Bush.  How can you Win the Future by blaming the past?  Or if all you do is blame the past you are destined lose the future.

What is he going to do with another 4 years?  What major "Historic", "Landmark", "Gutsy" piece of legislation is Obama going to put forth in his next term?  Card check & Immigration reform is dead.  Obama care is a joke.  26 states have sued successfully that the Obama care mandate is unconstitutional.

Obama's Solicitor General in an argument supporting Obama care said that people can avoid the mandate by CHOOSING to earn less!!  NO BS, this is the stance Obama's Solicitors General and more importantly Obama has in regards to his HC plan.  CHOOSE TO MAKE LESS MONEY!!!  Well most of us are not choosing to make less money, Obama's policies are making that choice for us.

This really pisses me off but hear me out.  Obama has already stated that there is a point that he feels that you have made enough money.  Obama's policies have almost destroyed our economy.  No energy policy.  No foreign policy.  The only thing he ever plans is his next golf outing.  He spent trillions upon trillions with NO RESULTS.  If for some reason you make $250k a year you are somehow now a billionaire.

Yet according to the press Obama is unbeatable?

It's takes "GUTS" to say I've made a mistake by voting for Obama in that last election.

Will it really take "GUTS" to not vote for him in 2012?

America Prevails

Information Minister
Loyal Opposition

A take on current events and QE3 by a friend of the Blog

All that stimulus money, and what is there really to show for it on a lasting, long-term basis?  Not much, and certainly not worth the long-term costs when you factor in future debt payments!  Remember all of those big flashy signs that let you know that your Government's Stimulus program was making an improvement here and there, while ignoring the fact that you were paying for it then, now, and in the future?  Wow, what a long term impact on the economy...not!  By now, we were supposed to be (theoretically per Obama and teams' calculations) going to be in the midst of a robust economic recovery that was going to solve all of the problems of employment, housing, etc.

Instead, we've spent a ridiculous amount of money, including cash for this, cash for that, and, in the end, the laws of free markets and supply and demand can not be beaten.  Somethings are better left free of government interference, and, in the end, things like the housing market could clear on their own and find the bottom sooner and more efficiently.  Instead, we are today left swimming through the same cloudy pool of uncertainty on many key economic fronts.

Since the first preliminary reports of Q1 GDP were reported at a lackluster 1.8 percent, recent economic figures are showing a trend towards less robust growth.  Things were "supposed" to be humming by now, and the facts are they are not.

In advance of Friday's big payroll report, ADP released its own version this morning which fell way short of expectations.  Now the correlation with the more widely followed Government data on Friday has been somewhat loose at times, so it may or may not translate into the Friday report.  However, the investment houses waisted no time today in lowering the expectations for job gains.

The leverage the Dems got from recent larger gains may be losing steam if the numbers disappoint as it looks like they may.  Yes, even though we are adding some jobs, we are not adding anything like we should, and that will result in the headline unemployment number turning around and going higher.

That will get the attention of the masses, and even the liberal media have to report the unemployment rate.

Don't worry though, friends call this employment situation as "transitory", the most over-used word in DC.  Really?  Seems like you've thrown everything, including the kitchen sink, at it, and although it appears better, the gains we saw recently aren't sticking for the all important LONG TERM!  Temporary, politically motivated fixes rarely serve the long term good.

How about inflation? - it's definitely been higher lately.  But, all you hear from DC is that higher inflation is now transitory (there's that word again), too.  Now, I don't know where energy prices are headed, but they've obviously made us all pay more at the gas pump.  That's caused all transportation costs to soar, and, eventually the poorly run Postal Service isn't the only business looking to the consumer to help on that front.  But, it's also food, which the government likes to play down as temporary as well.  The facts are that food is more global than ever, and more world population growth will forever increase demand on a necessity with fairly limited supply.  To me, that seems like higher food prices are here for the foreseeable future....not to mention all of the weather issues all over the US. Besides, package and serving sizes continue to shrink at the grocery store and restaurants.  That's sneaky inflation, but inflation nevertheless!

Then, there is commodity inflation, much of which has been induced to great speculation and inflation from quantitative easing.  Even specialty paint diecasts (platinum, gold, and copper plated cars) have gone up significantly this year despite the fact that the demand for diecasts is far less than NASCAR's peak a few years ago.  That's inflation, and that's a direct result of quantitative easing.

Speaking of quantitative easing, thank goodness it's coming to an end.  I think the long term benefits are minimal to none and certainly not good, for the responsible crowd.  The penalty inflicted on savers and those retired on a fixed income are now significant, given the lack of yield available on investments.  Now that we are into multiple years of artificially low rates, the nest eggs of many retirees are vanashing before their eyes.  That is just not right! Let the forces of the natural economy dictate the level of interest rates.  You are robbing the very people that saved like they were supposed to!

Back to inflation and housing, and this is where it gets interesting because of the trend towards renting versus owning.  No surprise, the dream of owning a home has been an absolute nightmare for many.  Given the prospect that housing prices are not going to soar when/if we find the magical bottom, many people are deciding to ditch the hassles of ownership when they can now rent from a wonderful new stock of once owner-occupied housing.  As a consequence, rental prices are rising.  Here's where it gets intersting - in the inflation calcs, the rent-equivalent factor of housing is actually increasing quite a bit and is further pushing the inflation statistics higher.  I don't think the wiz kids in Washington thought that price pressure from housing costs would be showing up in their fancy math calculations given the overall condition of the housing market, but it is.  Just wait for the spin machine to start discounting the CPI, even CPI-ex food and energy, because they'll want to downplay the inflation number given the massive move to rental units and subsequent rental increases.  No doubt, we'll soon be hearing that the CPI numbers are "overstating" blah, blah, blah, blah.  The fact is there is some serious inflation being paid on a daily basis by all of us.  The general population knows it, feels it, and their cutting back in other areas in order to have money left over to pay taxes.

Which brings me to my final point.  How's that property tax looking?  Frickin' brutal is right!  Finally, because of the multiple year averaging, our assessed values are starting to decline.  Three years later, finally a move downward.  However, surprise, the property tax rate has increased more than the assessed value decline, so the overall property tax bill is increasing for most families.  Trust me, without the expectation of increasing home prices, there is going to be a significant group of people that are going to start questioning the sanity of the amount of property taxes they are paying around here on an ongoing basis.  Not to mention, if you are one of the retired crowd trying to live off of your QE induced low return investments, the ability to keep up with property taxes will be an ongoing hurdle.  More future supply for the sell side of the market.

Almost done - don't think for a moment fiscal responsibility is really going to take hold at the local and state level.  Your tax in Illinois is never going to be less than 5 percent, and I will bet that it will be easier for Quinn and his cronies in Springfield to do stiff battle over a debate of actually increasing that rate versus actually making the cuts required to avoid that necessity.

So much has been spent, and so little has really, and honestly, been done to fix the long term issues.  My real concern is that politics will take over with the election looming and nothing good will come of the decisions made...and certainly nothing more than pushing the problem down the road, like the solution to the Hillside Strangler on the Inbound Eisenhower Expressway.  All that money to push the log jamb a mile and a half further down the road without really solving the issue.  Oh, and more recently "rebuilt" the Ike over the previous 2 years, and now they are writing on the front pages about trying to fix the Ike.  Didn't we just spend a ton of money over the past two years?  That's right - it was a throw of taxpayer money under the guise of a much needed stimulus project.  Nothing accomplished for the long term good, and a whole lot of debt to show for it.

I've come full circle....like the virtuous cycle of stupid, short term government decisions which will someday allow much of "consuming America" to be owned by other "saving countries" like China.




Give me three reasons you will vote for Obama in 2012 without mentioning any republican candidate





Not as easy as it sounds is it


When Obama was elected he spent a GREAT amount of time talking about what was wrong with America and he needed your help to transform it.  With record majorities he proceeded to push his agenda and champion his America Last policies.  2 years later as we start the cycle for the 2012 elections we have to ask ourselves what is Obama's vision for America? Moreover, what is getting in the way of that vision?  The first thing that comes to mind would be the Republicans, right?  The whole party of NO thing.

But I suggest Obama really thinks you are the obstacle to his Utopian America.

Think about it.  Could the Democratic party survive without entitlements and unions?  In other words could the Democratic party survive without Government?  I don't think so.  Now turn that around.  Could you see the Republican party survive without Government?  I think yes.

Obama made it his mission to make most everything in the private sector evil and broken.  Remember we need to fix this right now, don't read it just vote yes.  We know what's better for you.  But the people didn't agree.  The 2010 elections proved this correct.  Obama thinks that we need to believe in him, however what the country needs now is a President who believes in us.  Americans have never backed down from a challenge.  We have proved time and time again, if you trust in the people the people will come through.  Obama does not think like this.  Obama believes that only the government can save us.  The only thing that is stopping this is you.

Which brings me back to Obama's vision and what we know now given the history of the last 2 years.  We know Obama likes to spend his way out of problems.  We know he can create jobs...yeah just ask him, he claims he created 2 million jobs in the last 15 months.  But he gives no facts to support this claim. I t is because he said it is.  A fact: the bureau of labor and statistics say 1.2 million jobs were lost during the same time.  Fact Vs. "So let it be written, so let it be done" We also know that he does not trust you to make decisions for yourselves.  Just try to buy a 100watt light bulb next year and see what happens.  We know that although Obama is a millionaire he hates the rich.  Using Obama math if you make $251K a year you really make billions.  I would really like to see how that works, it would take 4000 years for a person who makes $250 year run up to a billion.  But that doesn't matter, Obama says your rich so pay up!

So what is Obama's vision at the end on the rainbow?  If we can use his history to see his future for America, this is what we can look forward to over the rainbow.  High taxes, massive spending, high unemployment, a weak dollar, a GUTSY com by ya foreign policy, Obama care, open borders, no energy policy, no growth, and its still Bush's fault.  Why would you think his next term would be any different?

And the only thing that is getting in his way is...YOU.

America Prevails

Information Minister
Loyal Opposition